How I Met Your Mother – “The Broath” (S7 Ep19)

After the general atmosphere of mopey in the last episode, this was a return to HIMYM greatness. The whole “Quinn-tervention” scene? Brilliant. Ancient “Bro-man” times? Classic Barney.


Although, we’re still hanging onto Ted’s unrequited love for Robin. The writers told us like a season ago that she’s not the one, we’re over it, can’t they just let it go?

Is it bad that I’m still a little suspicious of Quinn? Is anyone else still slightly wary of her? Otherwise, I think she’s hilarious and because somehow dating a stripper still seems Barney-esque, it’s working for his character.

How I Met Your Mother – Karma (S7 Ep18)

If I have a hard time thinking of even a hundred words to say for an episode, that’s probably not a good sign.

When did everyone on this show become so mopey? Can’t life still be funny when you’re single and in your 30s? Is being awkward and single only funny while you’re in your 20s? Wait, Lily and Marshall were moping too!

But this season HIMYM seems to have lost itself a little bit. Even Barney’s lost his legend….daryness. Truthfully, Cobie Smulders is what’s keeping me watching, between her excellent wardrobe and great moments like the diary sequence this week.